From NeRF to Surf
S density function
Propose to use a S-density function (Derivative of Sigmoid):
Note the std is given by \(1/s\), which would approaches to 0 as the training convergences. That is to say, the function will be more concentrated to surface point.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def s_density(x,s=1):
return s*np.exp(-s*x)/(1+np.exp(-s*x))**2
s_vals = np.linspace(0, 10, 200)
sdf_vals = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
sdf_grid, s_grid = np.meshgrid(sdf_vals, s_vals)
heat = s_density(sdf_grid, s_grid)
plt.imshow(heat, cmap="hot", extent=[sdf_vals[0], sdf_vals[-1], s_vals[-1], s_vals[0]])
Naive solution for S density
Set \(\sigma\) in NeRF as S-density, and result in biased solution...
(Note: \(t^\star\) is surface, \(f(t)\) is a SDF function, \(\sigma(t)\) is now set to be S-density function, \(w(t)\) is the weight function for rendering)
Proposed method
Propose a weight function as follows:
The problem of this weight function is that it is not occlusion aware... (This is similar to Neural RGBD weight function). Thus, NeuS proposes to get the weight function in a similar way to NeRF (NeRF's alpha compositing is actually occulusion-aware):
How to get \(\rho?\)
We can firstly get sdf function
Then, the weight function can be rewritten as:
Note that:
We can get
$$ T(t) = \Phi_s(f(\mathbf{p}(t))) $$ Then we get \(\rho(t)\):
For multiple surface intersection, \(f(\mathbf{p}(t))\) might be smaller than 0, then, we need clip it:
Transformed learnable SDF
Propose to model the density using a transformed learnable SDF:
Unifying Surface and Volume Rendering
The rendering equation of NeRF can be written as:
UniSurf re-write the equation as:
where \(\mathcal{o}(\mathbf{x}_i)\) is a continous occupancy function parameterized with an MLP.
[NeurIPS'21] NeuS: NeuS: Learning Neural Implicit Surfaces by Volume Rendering for Multi-view Reconstruction
[NeurIPS'21] VolSDF: Volume Rendering of Neural Implicit Surfaces
[ICCV'21] UNISURF: Unifying Neural Implicit Surfaces and Radiance Fields for Multi-View Reconstruction