I obtained my Master degree with thesis on "Neural Representations for 3D Reconstruction" at UCL.
Prior to UCL, I obtained a bachelor degree at joint degree programme between QMUL and BUPT, worked with Dr. Changejae Oh.
Feel free to drop me a message if you would like to know more about my research or just up for a casual chat :)
I'm interested in computer vision, deep learning, and generative models.
My current research focuses on 3D reconstruction from images.
I'm especially passionate about the challenge of perceiving and simultaneously 'dreaming up' the physical world from images.
We present MorpheuS, a dynamic scene reconstruction method that leverages neural implicit representations
and diffusion priors for achieving 360Β° reconstruction of a moving object from a monocular RGB-D video.
We present a neural RGB-D SLAM system, Co-SLAM, which performs robust camera
tracking and high-fidelity surface reconstruction in real time. This paper extends
the work presented in my MSc thesis.
We present a refinement framework to boost the performance of pre-trained semi-supervised video object segmentation (VOS) models based on scale inconsistency.
This paper extends the work presented in my BSc thesis.
We present a framework to estimate phyiscal properties of the house-hold containers and its fillings
from RGB-D and audio inputs. Rank 1st in the CORSMAL Challenge 2022.